This is a noisy time in our world. The volume in our conversations is high, the energy intense. Strong opinions abound. It is easy to get plugged in and stay plugged in as events are unfolding at an unprecedented pace.

An agitated mind is not necessarily a productive one. It certainly is not peaceful. I have two decades of meditation practice and I am struggling to reach that calm place within me and rest into it while moving through the day.

Since I am 100% responsible for the contents of my mind and how I react to what’s in there, I’ve had to consciously slow my roll and ease back down into the simple feeling of being.

So, I’m going to deliberately choose something different in the month of February. Instead of revving my mental engine, I’m going to shift into neutral more often. And rest there. Surely it will minimize the wear and tear on my mind and body. I’ll remember to take deep, slow breaths when I get agitated.

This month, I choose to contribute thoughtful, non-judgmental discourse. I will be curious about the perspectives other people hold, and open to hearing their opinions. Agreement is optional. It’s been my life’s work to create safe spaces for communication to unfold. I’m getting back on track with that mission.

I choose to look for the good in the chaos and not to be afraid of outcomes that are as yet unknown.

I am the chooser of my experience, whether I like to own that concept or not. This month, I choose curiosity. And open-heartedness. And hope.


“The more tranquil a person becomes, the greater is their success, influence, and power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.”

–James Allen